GROW Bhongolethu Schools by HELPING us to expand our sanitation capacity.
For healthy sanitation we need 1 toilet for every 15 children. At the Bhongolethu Foundation this requirement has become more important as we continue to fight widespread disease in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic. For a healthy growing school, we need to repair 2 toilets and add 1 new toilet block! With 12 working toilets & basins the Bhongolethu Foundation can provide quality education to 180 children. Currently, we have 6 functioning toilets for the children inside the buildings and there are 2 toilets outside that are in need of repairs. These outside toilets are supposed to be used when children are playing outside or at aftercare. But sadly, they are not in the best working order. We'd love to be able to build 4 new toilets to make accessibility easier for the children. We have a creative vision for how these toilets could be designed, which would not only give the children more access to proper toilet facilities, but it would also add to the values, aesthetic, and functionality of the school.
As you can imagine, having too few toilets has its challenges, especially at a school. Please help us to make our creative vision a reality.
1 New toilet block! Working toilets & basins - R30,000.00
2 Toilets - Pre-Primary - installing new toilets, tiling and painting - R20,000.00
2 Toilets - Renovations outside the primary school - replace toilets and sinks, tiling and painting - R15,000.00
Thank you!